Monday, May 28, 2012

A Day To Remember

It being Memorial Day and all most of the country is thrilled to have the day off and spend time with friends and family and enjoy the early summer weather.  It was nice just to have a day to relax and not worry about work or school or anything else for that matter.  Most of the day for me was spent outside riding my bike and whatnot.  After being out side for a while I found a sketchy website and downloaded the movie Act of Valor.  The video quality I downloaded was not that great, but the movie was.  For those who haven't seen it I would highly recommend it.  Though the story line is fictional, stuff like it happens everyday, and makes me grateful to those who serve in all branches of the military to allow me and everyone else in this country to live in freedom and peace.

I am grateful to have a grandfather who has served this country and for the blood he shed and the contributions he gave in WWII.  My grandfather (Howard Dutton) served in the Marines and fought in Iwo Jima at the age of 16.  He bluffed about his age so he could serve.  Here is a picture of him and fellow marines moments after the famous flag raising on Iwo Jima.

My Grandpa is on the far left standing with helmet in hand
While serving in Iwo Jima my grandpa earned his purple heart by taking shrapnel from a near by grenade while covering a buddy of his from the blast.

My grandpa passed away late December this last year and my thoughts are drawn to him this day and all those brave individuals who serve our country. God bless America and those who serve it.

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